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How to Light Your Career on Fire in 2019

Blog / January 3, 2019

Finally, it’s 2019! And this is the year you’re really gonna take control of your career! It’s not easy to do, how can you even know where to start? What else can you do besides fire out your resume to as many people as possible? If you’re a recent graduate competing against people who are far more qualified than you are, take heart! There are ways to grow your skills and show off the ones you have with a little creativity. Take some initiative and show off what a hard worker you are, and gain that job-seeking edge. Here are four actions you can take to kick start your career and make 2019 your best year yet. 

Become an intern

Not everyone can take on an unpaid internship, but it’s really useful in providing the experience you need to get your foot in the door. And some internships provide decent pay, so they’re worth exploring. Most employers favor relevant work experience over your degree. Interning, either for free or for low wages, shows that you’re genuinely interested in the company. You’re determined and dedicated, willing to do anything to gain that valued experience.   

Volunteer your time 

Volunteering isn’t easy, but it can be really integral in advancing your career. Most employers say they love to see it on a resume because it shows selflessness and an interest in gaining new perspective on the world. Even if you can’t commit to a full-time volunteer position, it’s a great way to meet more people who might be able to help you out. And like any job or internship, it’s a great way to develop those soft skills, like communication, confidence, organization, time management, and of course, empathy.

Develop an online portfolio 

The easiest way for potential employers to find you is online! Use a blog, website, or social media to show off your skills and accomplishments. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date, and free of any inappropriate content. Turn yourself into a brand by writing posts about your industry or sharing relevant articles.  

Nurture and grow your network

Face-to-face meetings and introductions are important, but more conveniently, a lot of networking can be done online. Through company websites, social media, and LinkedIn, you can research the people you need to know for the job of your dreams. Make sure you show up on their radar! You can re-tweet and like their comments on Twitter and Facebook. That way, when your resume shows up on their desk, they already know your name.


For more tips on how to advance your career this year, check out our website at

Blog written by Erin Greenhalgh